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Born and raised in Manchester (UK), and based in Lisbon since 2012, I work as a freelance translator of literary and cultural texts from Portuguese and Spanish into English.

Having worked at Lisbon's Ler Devagar bookshop, at Folio international literary festival, and, more recently, as an editorial assistant at independent Portuguese children's publisher Planeta Tangerina, beyond my translation work I have maintained a consistently close and active connection to Portuguese literature and culture. Most of my translation work comes from this sphere, with regular clients including Fundação de Serralves, Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, LeYa, Caminho and Penguin Random House.


My academic trajectory - Spanish & Portuguese (BA, University of Oxford), Crossways in Cultural Narratives (MA, Universities of Sheffield, Lisboa Nova & Perpignan) and Comparative Studies (PhD, University of Lisbon) - has also contributed to a thorough familiarity with Portuguese and wider world literature.

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